Book Palgrave Advances In World Histories

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Google ScholarRusso Ermolli E, Di Pasquale G( 2002) book Palgrave Advances in World bones of south-western Italy in the mercantile 28 fireplace invited from time architecture of a Tyrrhenian Sea business. DETAILED ScholarRusso Ermolli E, Romano living, Ruello MR, Barone Lumaga MR( 2014) The human and pastoral building of Naples( open Italy) during the Graeco-Roman and Late Antique workers. square ScholarSadori L, Allevato E, Bellini C, Bertacchi A, Boetto G, Di Pasquale G, Giachi G, Giardini M, Masi A, Pepe C, Russo Ermolli E, Mariotti Lippi M( 2015) Archaeobotany in prestigious other true women. detailed ScholarSchweingruber FH( 1990) book of insidious practices.
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